Discuss and push for negotiations to release the remaining Thai hostages

Qatar, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs meets with Qatar's Minister of State for Foreign Affairs to push for negotiations to release the remaining six Thai hostages. Mr. Rasm Chaleechan, Assistant Minister to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, met wi...
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The Prime Minister sees it as normal: ‘The trend of missing Uncle Tu’

Army Club, The Prime Minister sees the trend of missing "Uncle Tu" as normal, pointing out that "Gen. Prayut" has been in power for 8 years and has done many things for the country, urging relevant agencies to take care of the problem of expensive goo...
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Receiving – Decorating with garlands, hanging around the neck of the royal barge

Thonburi Shipyard, The Minister of Education witnessed the handover of garlands to be worn around the necks of three royal barges, along with a bud from Wat Rakhang Girls' School, to the Royal Thai Navy to be used to decorate royal barges and prepare ...
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‘Anutin’ insists he has never thought about becoming prime minister, ready to send flowers to wish ‘Thaksin’ a happy birthday

Government House, "Anutin" sends encouragement to "Settha" after the Constitutional Court has scheduled a hearing to consider the qualifications of "Phichit" on August 14th. He said the government is getting on track. He insisted that he never thought...
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‘Maris’ officially joins the ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting

Lao PDR, "Maris" officially joined the ASEAN Foreign Ministers' Meeting. Laos praised ASEAN for jointly promoting peace, stability and prosperity both inside and outside the region. Keep an eye on the meeting's stance on the Myanmar problem. Reporter...
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PM stresses clean energy is important, investors ask before deciding

Army Club, The Prime Minister gave a special lecture on the President's Course, emphasizing the importance of clean energy, revealing that when traveling abroad, investors ask before making a decision, comparing Thailand to a small country but with a ...
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“Thaksin” opens his house at Chan Song La to make merit on his 75th birthday tomorrow.

Government House, "Paethongtarn" reveals "Thaksin" is preparing to open the Chan Song La house to make merit on his 75th birthday tomorrow (July 26), along with joining a lunch with close friends. Ms. Paethongtarn Shinawatra, leader of the Pheu Thai ...
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“Jiraporn” pledges to be a good civil servant

Public Relations Department, Ministers of the Prime Minister's Office join in swearing an oath to be good civil servants and the power of the country "PRD We Do Good With Our Hearts" on the occasion of His Majesty the King's Birthday Anniversary, July...
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“Paethongtarn” admits to kicking “Chalerm” out of Pheu Thai MPs’ LINE group

Government House, "Paetongtarn" admits to kicking "Chalerm" out of the Pheu Thai MPs' LINE group without consulting anyone, stating that she doesn't want members to feel uncomfortable after he often sends LINE messages saying he wants to switch partie...
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“Chaiwat” reveals that the Amnesty Committee has a split opinion on Section 112.

Parliament, 'Chaiwat' reveals that the Amnesty Committee has a split voice on Section 112, with some proposing conditions, hoping that the House will listen with maturity and without conflict. Mr. Chaiwat Tulathan, MP of the Move Forward Party, as a ...
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“Phumtham” said he did not dare to take issue with “Chalerm”‘s allusion.

Government House, "Phumtham" is not bothered by "Chalerm's" allusion, saying that if the elders advise, then they must listen. Asks the media not to expand on the matter, wants the elders in the party to love each other. Deputy Prime Minister and Min...
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“Anutin” insists that the Cannabis Act is a victory for the people, not Bhumjaithai.

Government House, "Anutin" insists the issuance of the Cannabis Act is a victory for the people, not the Bhumjaithai Party, emphasizing that the party's draft bill never included recreational use, and sees that if it is a good law, it will pass the Se...
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