Constitutional Court orders clarification of Court Regulations Act

Constitutional Court Today (21 Feb.) the Constitutional Court ordered the agency to explain Court of Justice Regulations Act, 15 days in the case of authority to hire, appoint, and examine the discipline of secretaries of the Court of Justice. Constitutional Court There was a discussion on the petition submitted by the Ombudsman to the Constitutional Court. Consider and decide according to the Constitution, Section 213 (1) that the Judiciary Administration Act, B.E. 2643, Section 22 (1) which provides that 'Employment and appointment to the position of Secretary-General of the Office of the Judiciary The President of the Supreme Court shall nominate. Judicial Committee of the Court of Justice to give approval and when it has been approved by the Judicial Committee of the Courts of Justice The President of the Supreme Court shall have the authority to order appointments and proceed with His Majesty's graciousness. further appointment, provided that the Judicial Commission of the Courts of Justice has the powe r to take disciplinary action against that person in the same way as judicial officials according to the law on judicial civil service regulations …' There is a problem regarding the constitutionality of Section 26, Section 27, Section 193 and Section 196. or not The court found that for the benefit of consideration The relevant agencies shall prepare opinions and submit copies of documentary evidence as determined by the Constitutional Court. Submit to the Constitutional Court within 15 days from the date of receipt of the letter. For further consideration of the Constitutional Court's decision. Source: Thai News Agency